i believe i promised a blog entry and so here i am to deliver.
a lot has changed in the year since i last wrote.
- i haven't had a kidney stone surgery in over a year
- i graduated from the u with a b.s. in chemistry
- i got accepted to UGA pharmacy school and leave in august
- i'm planning on helping UGA start up a pharmD/phD program so i'll get 2 doctorates while there
- i'm actually feeling pretty healthy lately :)
probably the biggest downer was when i had a colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago. they found and removed 2 polyps and took a sample of some inflamed tissue. the polyps were not cancerous but they are the type that most often turns into cancer so i now have to go back every 2 years. oh joy.
enough of that for now. ages ago, my friend
sarah gave me the "irresistably sweet" award. in exchange for receiving the award, i'm supposed to list 5 guilty pleasures. oh boy. here we go.
1. shoes. you can ask my mom about this one as she's usually the one picking up all the shoes i leave lying around. recently i saw a nate birkus tv show where they said one of the signs of being a shopaholic is that you own more than one of the same thing - ex. the same shoe, just different colors. i argue that that is *not* shopaholicism, just good sense. if you find a shoe you like, buy it in a couple different colors so you can wear it more often! i'm trying to convince lisa that she really doesn't *need* the raise she'll get this year and therefore she should donate that extra money to a shoe fund for me. :)
2. books. i am never happy reading just one book at a time. right now i'm on 5 books with another 20 waiting on my bookshelf to be read and well over 100 more that i want to read at some point in my life. i blame my mom for starting my addiction to books. she used to make me read 30 minutes every day during summer breaks from school. at some point, i realized i could spend those 30 minutes reading things i actually *liked* and it all went downhill from there. i practically inhale books although i do try to read something serious that takes a while every now and then. to see the list of books i've read, am reading, or want to read, go check out my
goodreads page.
3. disney channel/disney movies/anything cinderella. i know i'm supposed to be too old to enjoy any of that stuff but there is nothing better to me than watching the disney channel while doing homework to help you unwind or putting on a favorite disney movie to help you fall to sleep. i think i watched wall-e almost every night last summer and i regret none of it.
4. the big bang theory. not a thursday goes by that i'm not either watching this show or recording it to watch later...sometimes both. i think it's partly that this show has made me feel cool to be the nerd that i am. my favorite times are when they make some random science joke and not only do i laugh, i understand it and go "hey! we just talked about that in lecture this week!" i freaking love sheldon. and i love watching the new penny/bernadette/amyfarahfowler trio. especially when amy tries to fit into the normal "girly girl" role. and, yes, i own all of the seasons that have so far been released on dvd.
5. doctor who. yes, another geekish show but i dare anyone to watch an episode with david tennant and NOT love it. i'm still coming around to the new doctor but i think he'll do just fine. still, david tennant will literally have me laughing out loud every episode...which is why i usually watch it later at night in my basement room with the door shut. otherwise, my parents would probably think i'm even more insane than i usually am. okay, and i don't want to be interrupted while watching david tennant, either.
now i guess is the part where i'm supposed to nominate 3 other people for this award.
1. kelly at
highly caffeinated and sometimes funny. though, really, i think she's always funny. plus she's adorable. i really don't think i've ever seen her angry. upset maybe but never actually angry. she's the other half of team #kelra.
2. kelsey at
the adventures of an eclectic scientist. we went to the u together for a little while and also worked in the housing department for a year when i was a host and she was an ra. we didn't talk too often but i always admired her. she was one of those female science majors that i would look at and think "why can't we all be like that?" she's funny, smart, kind, and never seems afraid to stick up for her beliefs.
3. dan & amanda at
team damanda. formally known as just dan and amanda, these two incredible individuals have become one seriously awesome couple. i was in access with amanda and i always love to be around her. she has the best ability for making me laugh. i remember sitting at the access lunch table in the union and she told two jokes: "what's green and goes through walls? a frog if you throw it hard enough." and "why did the monkey fall out of the tree? because it died." while the rest of the girls went "ohhh! that's so sad!" i was laughing my head off. i'm pretty sure i was laughing so hard i cried. dan is a pretty awesome guy, too. he did come to my 22nd birthday party, after all. and he and amanda gave me a ben franklin action figure. oh yes. i still have it. now if only we lived in the same state again.
i think that's good enough for you people for tonight. right now, i'm going to go eat my dinner then go off to the gym. oh yeah, i'm doing that again now that i actually feel well enough to do it :)