Sunday, October 5, 2008

prada shoes and pcat scores

two exciting things happened this past week:

1. i got my pcat scores back! FINALLY! i scored in the 87th percentile, which means i'm smarter than 87% of the other people who took it and only 13% are smarter than me. not bad, eh? i've decided i am not retaking it and will just apply to pharmacy schools with that score. i'll be starting on the application process in another week or so, so don't take offense if i start swearing randomly. also, if i suddenly have bald patches, it's because i'm pulling my hair out.

2. i've discovered the wonder that is ebay and cheap designer shoes. i bought a super cute pair of pradas for pretty cheap. here's what they looked like:

here are the shoes i got:

they are the UGLIEST prada shoes in the ENTIRE WORLD!

luckily the people i bought them from told me that they know where mine are and are working on getting them out to me.

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