Sunday, October 19, 2008


utah vs. csu
49 to 16
utah 8-0 woot!
'nough said.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the land of water and honey

i have found the cure for the common cold! or at least a way to stop it in its tracks before the nasty little buggers completely raid your immune system. it's quite simple actually: a cup of hot water, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey. it's a miracle! there has been a nasty little germ going through my family and i happened to get it. however, at the first tingle of a sore throat, i started drinking this delicious concoction and sucking down cough drops. i also hooked up my humidifier last night. overkill? maybe. but it worked! i am flying high. literally. i'm also hopped up on claritin-d and ibuprofen to help deal with a sinus headache/migraine that's decided to pop in for a visit. i'm usually not one to encourage use of homeopathic remedies, but if anyone else starts feeling under the weather i suggest drinking some lemon-honey-water. it works wonders!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

prada shoes and pcat scores

two exciting things happened this past week:

1. i got my pcat scores back! FINALLY! i scored in the 87th percentile, which means i'm smarter than 87% of the other people who took it and only 13% are smarter than me. not bad, eh? i've decided i am not retaking it and will just apply to pharmacy schools with that score. i'll be starting on the application process in another week or so, so don't take offense if i start swearing randomly. also, if i suddenly have bald patches, it's because i'm pulling my hair out.

2. i've discovered the wonder that is ebay and cheap designer shoes. i bought a super cute pair of pradas for pretty cheap. here's what they looked like:

here are the shoes i got:

they are the UGLIEST prada shoes in the ENTIRE WORLD!

luckily the people i bought them from told me that they know where mine are and are working on getting them out to me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a guide to the economy...

you'll come to find that i love love LOVE phD comics. in case you're wondering whether or not you should be freaking out about the economy, here's a helpful guide.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

jeepers jeremie!

and so the totally mega-awesome weekend of partying continues!

today i slept in until 1:15 p.m. a. maz. ing. then i kind of just laid in bed for a while watching "gotta kick it up" on disney channel. i finally got up and got ready for the game around 3 or so and my dad came to get me around 5. we went to training table for dinner where i got their hickory burger for the first time ever and it was DELICIOUS! i think i will dream about it tonight....

the game was super fun. we actually had really good seats. i don't mind being high up because you can see the whole field better and we were right at the 50 yard line. utah won, of course, and remains undefeated so far this season.

after the game, i came home and got all prettied up (a.k.a., i put on a clean shirt and some make up) and then christina and i went to jeremie's drunken grad student party. it was actually quite fun and we met some pretty fun people. i especially enjoyed it when the conversation turned to who hates matt sigman the most. hahaha. poor matt. or not. i had a few things to say about him myself. i found out from talking to a girl that apparently you can get your master's at the u in one year in chemistry, so that's another option if pharmacy school falls through. although i'm still pushing for opening a bakery... we'll see.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

the elements of murder...

i just had a super fantastic amazing night! tiff and i went to the homecoming dance and after a HALF HOUR of standing in line, we got turned away at the door because the venue had reached max capacity and they weren't selling tickets at the door anymore. so instead, we went to kristauf's, a fun little bar, where we met some random guys and tiff had a martini while i had water (delicious water, i might add). then i drove us back home and me, pam, and tiff all watched kronk's new groove! or, rather, i watched it and the two of them slept. i'm totally loving my super fantastic rockstar partying weekend thus far. oh yes, it started off with kung fu panda at the dollar theater last night. which was amazing! (p.s. my fish is crazy. i'm watching him right now, and i think he's trying to tell me it's time to change his water...)
anyway. just wanted to drop a note that if anyone is wondering what to get me for a totally awesome birthday present, may i recommend this book: the elements of murder: a history of poison. i just love it when good chemistry goes bad! maybe that's why i'm apparently trying to kill myself during o chem lab this semester... that's another story for another day though. night!

Monday, September 22, 2008

vanillin - saving lives and causing obesity

the past couple weeks in my advanced organic lab we were working on an experiment where we made vanillin - the stuff that gives vanilla its delicious smell. but beyond its food uses, i've discovered that it's a pretty cool little molecule. it's a pretty important intermediate in the synthesis of a bunch of pharmaceuticals, including trimethoprim and dopamine. and research is currently being done to study its anti-metastic and anti-tumor properties. that's right. vanillin stops cancer. they did a test in lab rats with breast cancer and it actually stopped it from spreading. pretty cool, huh? and lastly, i've found that vanilla-scented candles cause people to crave sweets, specifically baked goods. i bought one of those glade candles at the store the other day and we've had it on a candle burner in the kitchen. me and my roommates keep walking in there hoping someone's baking a cake or cookies. i finally caved and made some cookies. :) they are delicious. anyways, here's the report. enjoy!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

quantitative analysis project

perfect day

so i decided to start a more personal blog. i already have one that i vent on about work/school stuff, but because of the line of work i'm in and privacy issues i can't really reveal my true identity. not that i ever talk about patients by name, but if anyone were to stumble upon it and figure out who was writing it, well, it wouldn't be too difficult to put two and two together.
i've basically been having a fabulous day. it started out with sleeping in super late (1:30 p.m. but give me a break because i was up until 3 a.m. the night before working on homework!) then after i finally rolled out of bed, i went to the grocery store. that's not very exciting. but it was raining! and autumn is coming! i'm so excited. i love living up at the U because the mountains are gorgeous during the fall. the tress are starting to change color around campus. and i just love rain in general. i even started singing that primary song to myself, the one that starts "i like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain." i don't think i've sang that song since i was 8 and getting baptized.
after grocery shopping, i really should have gone back home and started working on homework, but i figured i was already out, i could do some shopping first. i stopped by barnes and noble and managed to walk out with only one book instead of the usual eight or so. i got "brisingr," the third in the "inheritance" trilogy by christopher paolini. then i stopped by old navy to look for a homecoming dress and i found one! i can't believe i actually found it on the first try! i'm really excited to go to the dance on friday night. p.s. if anyone knows of any cute, single boys out there, i'm willing to be set up on a blind date for the dance!
after all that excitement i went to dinner with the parental unit then came back to my apartment to do some homework. that's not very exciting either. but it's not going so bad. i actually seem to know what i'm talking about on my organic lab writeup. yay!
speaking of homework, sometimes i get super proud of assignments that i've done really well, so i'm going to try and figure out how i can post them up here in pdf form or something so you can see what sort of stuff i'm currently working on. well, i'm only about halfway done with my report so i should get back to it. i just needed to take a quick break but i really want to get it done asap!