so i decided to start a more personal blog. i already have one that i vent on about work/school stuff, but because of the line of work i'm in and privacy issues i can't really reveal my true identity. not that i ever talk about patients by name, but if anyone were to stumble upon it and figure out who was writing it, well, it wouldn't be too difficult to put two and two together.
i've basically been having a fabulous day. it started out with sleeping in super late (1:30 p.m. but give me a break because i was up until 3 a.m. the night before working on homework!) then after i finally rolled out of bed, i went to the grocery store. that's not very exciting. but it was raining! and autumn is coming! i'm so excited. i love living up at the U because the mountains are gorgeous during the fall. the tress are starting to change color around campus. and i just love rain in general. i even started singing that primary song to myself, the one that starts "i like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain." i don't think i've sang that song since i was 8 and getting baptized.
after grocery shopping, i really should have gone back home and started working on homework, but i figured i was already out, i could do some shopping first. i stopped by barnes and noble and managed to walk out with only one book instead of the usual eight or so. i got "brisingr," the third in the "inheritance" trilogy by christopher paolini. then i stopped by old navy to look for a homecoming dress and i found one! i can't believe i actually found it on the first try! i'm really excited to go to the dance on friday night. p.s. if anyone knows of any cute, single boys out there, i'm willing to be set up on a blind date for the dance!
after all that excitement i went to dinner with the parental unit then came back to my apartment to do some homework. that's not very exciting either. but it's not going so bad. i actually seem to know what i'm talking about on my organic lab writeup. yay!
speaking of homework, sometimes i get super proud of assignments that i've done really well, so i'm going to try and figure out how i can post them up here in pdf form or something so you can see what sort of stuff i'm currently working on. well, i'm only about halfway done with my report so i should get back to it. i just needed to take a quick break but i really want to get it done asap!