Friday, February 27, 2009

how's your father?

for those of you who don't have cable, there's a show on disney channel called phineas and ferb about two stepbrothers who get into crazy shennanigans. ferb is from england and occasionally his grandparents come to visit. during one of these visits, grandpa reaches over and does that old magic trick of "oh, what's that behind your ear?" and pulls out his old scrapbook. when phineas asks how he did that, grandpa replies "oh just a bit of how's your father." for those of you who are not versed in british slang, "how's your father" is a very polite way of talking about sexual intercourse. i don't even want to think about how he managed that trick now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ok, this is so not funny anymore

my life the past 4 weeks:
-my great-uncle who was basically my surrogate grandfather died, requiring an emergency trip to denver for the funeral.
-returned from denver only to contract strep throat and a sinus infection.
-still recovering from strep/sinus infections and have also contracted suspected food poisoning along with both my parents.
anyone want to trade lives?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i am way too old for this

apparently my hormones have decided i had it too easy as a tween when i didn't really have to worry about acne. and now they are getting even. currently i am wearing a honey and cinnamon face mask. i'm not sure how well it will work, all i know is that i smell delicious and i'm having a hard time not licking it off. here's just a short list of everything i have tried to this point
-clean and clear
-acne free
-plain honey
-mary kay
and many many more i can't remember right now. everything usually works for about a month and then i flare right back up. the proactive and accutane were really disappointing, especially all the hoopla that had surrounded them. if anyone else has suggestions, feel free to let me know! currently i'm trying different biore cleaning products and my skinid order should be coming in this week. however i'm also willing to try cheap homemade remedies if anyone has them!