Friday, May 29, 2009

ohhhhh life.

fabulous fun day. I AM STILL ALIVE. i know some of you were concerned about that. yes, i'm still here, just been having some issues going on in my personal life.
today i was running around to doctors' appointments. my urologist spotted a calcification in my kidney from the x-rays i took a week or so ago. so yay for me! :p
also found out i have yet ANOTHER ear infection. i think that makes it 4 in the past 6 months. go my life.
anyway, short and sweet for now. i'll be back when i have exciting news that doesn't involve some form of illness.

Friday, May 1, 2009

kidney watch '09

hello peeps. long time no write. *FAIL* sorry. been an interesting past couple of months.
after the great kidney storm of '08 i've been on kidney watch this entire year. for a while, everything was peachy. up until a few weeks ago. i was out and down for the count with yet ANOTHER kidney stone. i think this may have been harold, gordon's younger brother, who was still stuck in the renal pelvis when gordon was shimmying his way on out. at least, i hope it was. i reallyyyyyyy don't want there to be any more chillaxin up there.
in other illness news, i've had the crappiest, most painful ear infection the last week and a half. stupid augmentin hasn't even touched it. even my ear drops worked all of 5 doses and then spazzed out on me. my life = awesome. luckily it's now finals time which means i'm almost done. hallelujah.
welp, i'll be back when something interesting is going on in my life. in the mean time, stay frosty.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

more disney goof ups

we all remember and love recess. little did we know that while we were watching this classic cartoon, we were exposed to gang signs. yep you heard me. erm, read me. there's an episode where tj breaks his clavicle so he has to stay inside during recess. he ends up making friends with the other dorky kids that shun the sun and they play a dungeons and dragons type game. when tj eventually masters the game, the rest of the geeks "salute" him by doing the hand gesture that represents players of the game. this hand gesture is also the one used to represent the westside. i had no idea that recess took place in LA.

so much for good beginnings

so today started off awesome. it marked day number 3 or so of "laura's totally happy and social week." work wasn't bad, no obnoxious patients to piss me off. then we celebrated my mom's birthday and i almost made her cry with my gift. so close, but not good enough. ;) and then when i was leaving the rentals' i managed to punch myself in the eye. then while cleaning the dishes/sink i managed to splash dish soap in the OTHER eye and get lysol in my mouth. :( and then i found that someone had dented my cookie jar! :( :( now i'm back to being angry and antisocial. so much for that good streak.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

when it rains...

as archana would put it, "let the week from the bad place begin!" i have a final, a midterm, and four lab reports due this week. have i started any of it? no. because i woke up all of a half hour ago. yep. i was having a good dream and didn't want to get up. :) plus with all of this staring me in the face, my subconscious looks way better than reality. so forgive me if i'm short tempered or anti-social this next week. now you know why. although after i fight my way through all this, it's spring break! yay! enough procrastinating. now, to work!

Friday, February 27, 2009

how's your father?

for those of you who don't have cable, there's a show on disney channel called phineas and ferb about two stepbrothers who get into crazy shennanigans. ferb is from england and occasionally his grandparents come to visit. during one of these visits, grandpa reaches over and does that old magic trick of "oh, what's that behind your ear?" and pulls out his old scrapbook. when phineas asks how he did that, grandpa replies "oh just a bit of how's your father." for those of you who are not versed in british slang, "how's your father" is a very polite way of talking about sexual intercourse. i don't even want to think about how he managed that trick now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ok, this is so not funny anymore

my life the past 4 weeks:
-my great-uncle who was basically my surrogate grandfather died, requiring an emergency trip to denver for the funeral.
-returned from denver only to contract strep throat and a sinus infection.
-still recovering from strep/sinus infections and have also contracted suspected food poisoning along with both my parents.
anyone want to trade lives?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i am way too old for this

apparently my hormones have decided i had it too easy as a tween when i didn't really have to worry about acne. and now they are getting even. currently i am wearing a honey and cinnamon face mask. i'm not sure how well it will work, all i know is that i smell delicious and i'm having a hard time not licking it off. here's just a short list of everything i have tried to this point
-clean and clear
-acne free
-plain honey
-mary kay
and many many more i can't remember right now. everything usually works for about a month and then i flare right back up. the proactive and accutane were really disappointing, especially all the hoopla that had surrounded them. if anyone else has suggestions, feel free to let me know! currently i'm trying different biore cleaning products and my skinid order should be coming in this week. however i'm also willing to try cheap homemade remedies if anyone has them!